In A Piercing Studio Not So Far Away......

Do you always have that one friend who says "I can't get pierced because I don't have enough money?" Well here is your answer!

We are having a flash special for today only from noon to 4pm.

If you and 3 friends stop in today to get pierced the 4th friend getting pierced will get the piercing on us (they just have to buy the jewelry)!

This offer is only good if 4 people total get pierced (cannot be 4 piercings on the same body or 2 people getting 2 piercing) there has to be 4 of you getting pierced to get this special.

If you decide to get pierced "SOLO" today mention you saw this on our blog and get 10% off.

This special is good from noon to 4pm today May the 4th, 2018 only and can not be used with any other specials. No rain-checks.


Don't forget ID

See you by 4pm we will.

May the 4th Be  With You.

Annual Halo Egg Hunt

More Halo Easter eggs have been hidden. From now until Easter Sunday (we will be closed that day by the way) you can find eggs all over the place with Halo Bunny Bucks in them. One golden egg has a free piercing in it. Happy hunting!!!! One per person. Can not be used with other offers. 



 us when you find one!!

There are eggs hidden in Phoenix, Tempe, Scottsdale, Mesa, Gilbert, Chandler & Glendale!

Curated Ear Projects

Can't decide what ear piercing you want? 

 Stop in and tell us what you like and we can tell you what your anatomy will allow you to get.

We have so much to choose from if you are 
bored with your old jewelry too!

Let us help you sparkle!

Come in and personalize your earrings!

We're pleased to announce the arrival of more options for our Build Your Own Earrings!  You decide the style, you decide the size and you decide the decoration.

January Birthstone: Garnet

Garnet is one of the most ancient gems, it was called carbuncle by early civilizations.
According to legend, possessing or wearing a garnet ensures success and health, for the stone is believed to possess curative powers.